Global partnership, local expertise

Partnership with iMOVE

COLCONS and iMOVE work hand in hand to improve vocational training worldwide and to disseminate German training standards.

International cooperation

Promoting global cooperation in vocational education and training.

German standards

Dissemination of high-quality German educational standards worldwide.

Dual vocational education and training (DVET)

Support for the implementation of dual vocational training standards.


Our partnership with iMOVE

COLCONS works closely with iMOVE to promote vocational training at an international level. Our partnership focuses on promoting German educational standards worldwide and improving the quality of vocational training.

Promotion of international cooperation

Objectives of the partnership between COLCONS and iMOVE

Our partnership with iMOVE aims to promote international vocational education and training cooperation. We want to disseminate German educational standards worldwide and support companies implementing dual training systems. Through joint projects and initiatives, we contribute to improving the quality of vocational training and creating sustainable education networks.

About iMOVE

Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

iMOVE is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research that markets German education providers internationally and promotes international cooperation.

Our partnership with iMOVE pursues the following goals: Promoting international cooperation in vocational education and training, disseminating German educational standards worldwide and supporting companies in implementing dual training systems.

Would you like to learn more about our partnership with iMOVE or participate in one of our projects? Contact us for further information.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the partnership

What is iMOVE, and what role does it play in vocational training?

iMOVE is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research that aims to market German education providers internationally and promote international cooperation. iMOVE supports disseminating German educational standards and promotes the quality of vocational education and training worldwide.

How do companies benefit from the partnership between COLCONS and iMOVE?

Companies benefit from our partnership through access to high-quality educational resources and support in implementing dual training systems. This helps to improve the training of skilled labour and increase competitiveness.

Which projects have already been carried out together?

Joint projects include international workshops, training programmes and advisory services to improve vocational training and establish German standards worldwide. These projects have already had a positive impact in several countries.

How can I take part in the projects?

Interested companies and educational institutions can contact us directly to learn more about participating in our projects. We offer customised solutions and support to meet the specific needs of our partners.

What are the advantages of implementing dual training systems?

Implementing dual training systems offers numerous advantages, including practical training, the direct application of theoretical knowledge and close cooperation between companies and educational institutions. Consequently, trainees are better qualified and better prepared for the labour market.

Find out more about our partnership with iMOVE