COLCONS clients

Successful together

Cooperation that leads to sustainable success.

Trainings throughout Germany and internationally for the following companies and institutions

  • BBA – Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.
  • Berlin Chemie AG
  • Berliner Polizei (Berlin Police)
  • Bio Company GmbH
  • BSR Berlin city cleaning companies
  • Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs Berlin
  • DKB Deutsche Kredit Bank
  • DIHK – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ Project VETnet
  • E.ON AG
  • Gegenbauer® Services GmbH
  • GIZ Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, Namibia
  • gsub-Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH (gsub Social Business Consultancy)
  • G&H Bankensoftware AG – Bancos (Developer for Banking Software)
  • HWTK University of Economics, Technology and Culture, Berlin
  • IHK Berlin (Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)
  • Media Markt GmbH
  • Mercedes-Benz Bank AG
  • Emergency service Berlin e.V.
  • Siemens AG
  • Sparda-Bank eG
  • swisscontact – Organisation for the realisation of international development projects
  • Takeda AG
  • Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH (Publishing house Der Tagesspiegel GmbH)
  • Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) gGmbH
  • Zalando SE
Gegenbauer® is a registered trademark of Gegenbauer Holding SE & Co. KG.

Chambers of Commerce Abroad and

Delegations of German Business in

  • India
  • Kenya
  • Nigeria
  • North Macedonia
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • USA (German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern U.S.)
  • Vietnam